Personal process of becoming resilient

Posted by Unknown

try and learn, regardless of the outcome, the key to success Radi.perseverance brought him to school only until grade 2 primary school was able to make bamboo seeds.bamboo plan it will be gunakaan to make the boat people hold dangers, this type of bamboo is also used as paper-making materials.

radi answered the challenge with a series of experiments made bamboo seeds petung types (large bamboo tree).he did not necessarily succeed at least he has conducted experiments to three years.

Lord educate his people to be resilient person who kept eager to answer the challenges of life.a successful challenge to overcome will be the basis for a successful.and a true success must stem from a the point is awareness of the willingness to answer the challenge.for this example we can learn from Jacob,man who initially weak personality and very dependent on his mother was turned into a personal ductile.just after he made a big mistake to deceive his father who fruitful threat from his brother's murder.

Let us continue to learn to be a resilient person who was undaunted challenge


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